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Fireworks With Fantastic Effects

Writer's picture: Celebrations, Events, FireworksCelebrations, Events, Fireworks

Anticipating what the 4th of July will be like this year? More people will be shooting their own fireworks than attending public displays. So let's take a quick look at some of the newest items for 2020.

Toxic, ranked very high for the 2020 July 4th firework season. Great colors and very nice effects to set you DIY fireworks display apart from the rest. A nice shoot alone item or an impressive add into the finale of any fireworks show.

Ah, don't let this label foul you. Yes, it is in 3D with the lots of attention payed to detail. The effects of the cake are as well very surprising and more than what we really expected. This fireworks cake will get you the ohs, and ahs you are looking for. A must have for your 4th of July fireworks party. Check out all the new fireworks items along with all the favorite in our online fireworks store @ f


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