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How To Stay Safe on the 4th of July Fireworks Safety Best Practices

How exciting it is to see the sunset and getting ready to light up the skies. Proper preparation is important to avoid mishaps that could be very serious. Never take in for granted, Fireworks Safety 4th of July should be a top priority. Fires, personal injuries and even death can result if proper procedures are not taken seriously. The most common injuries that occur on and around Independence Day are serious burns. Burns from the simplest things like sparklers can be extremely painful and require medical attention or a costly emergency room visit. Common sense plays a major role in preventing accidents with fireworks. Let's mention some of the most important ones first.

Never discharge or light fireworks close to your body. Hold sparklers at a distance away from your clothes and flesh. Never touch the skin or clothes with a lit sparkler or one that has just burned out. Sparklers burn at a temperature of more than 1400 degrees. Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants and eye protection when handling a sparkler when lit. If at all possible, stickless sparklers, like the "Patriot Stick" or the "Gold Sticks" are great for a no wire sparkler. Second choice would be the bamboo stick sparklers like the "Morning Glory" sparklers. When the sparkler composite burns, all that is left is a small portion of the bamboo stick. The longer the sparkler is in length, the longer they burn. 36" are typically the longest burning sparklers on the market. Choose which sparklers fit your circumstances wisely.

Stick Less Sparklers
Glow Stick Gold Sparkers

Fireworks Safety 4th of July

When it comes to aerial fireworks devices, the whole ball game changes. The list of precautions should be taken with the attention to detail. First, fire extinguishing devices should be readily available at all times. A garden hose, a large bucket of water, fire extinguisher and a fire broom should be on standby. Second, wear the proper clothing. Start with a hard hat, goggles, long sleeve shirt or fireproof jacket, closed toed shoes or boots and ear protection like noise muffs. Never hold an aerial firework in your hand or near your body. Allow a safe distance from spectators of no less than 200 feet or 70 feet for each inch of tube size. When you ignite an aerial firework, being a tubed mortar type like the "Excalibur Artillery shells" or any type of cake device, move away to a safe distance immediately. The bigger the multiple shot repeater, like the 500-gram cakes, the more explosive powders that will be discharged. Waste no time, move away to a safe distance immediately after ignition. Never look down into a fireworks device! Stand to the side when discharging any type of fireworks cake, fountain, mortar tube or the like. Make sure your face and or body are not over the top of the device being discharged. If the device does not go off on the first attempt, never attempt to re-light any failed fireworks device. Avoid that device for at least thirty minutes, soak it in water and discard it in a proper manner. have a safe and great 4th of July fireworks adventure. Shop online for the best deals with year-round sales at


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4th of July


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